Celebrities who have opened up about their health issues to end stigma

It's true, celebrities do deserve privacy and respect. But fame also comes with a unique platform and the chance to reach out to a wide audience. That's why many celebrities have elected to use their platforms to discuss serious health issues they have personally experienced.

Certain conditions, particularly mental health issues are still shrouded by dangerous stigmas. Celebrities who are candid and compassionate can help normalize illnesses that were once stigmatized.

Celebrities who have Lyme Disease, Endometriosis or Mental Health Issues can help thousands of others feel less alone by sharing their stories. Raising public awareness can also prompt people to talk to their doctors about nagging pains they hadn't considered as possible symptoms or generate interest and funding for further medical research.

Michael J. Fox, who has Parkinson's disease, was one of those people. Fox has Parkinson's. Researchers with his namesake foundation recently made a major breakthrough in understanding the disease, which will help doctors detect Parkinson's earlier and more accurately.

Whatever their reason for stepping forward, these inspiring celebrities are giving people a chance to better understand what they (and other people with the same diagnosis) are living with. Learn more about the stars who educate people by raising awareness of their health issues.